Our Dogs
Below are our breeding dogs
Female Dogs
Click below to learn more about our qualified females. All our dogs NAVHDA tested for qualification for breeding.
Selected Males
We belong to the North American Pudelpointer Breeders Alliance (NAPPA) according to their rules a male dog must meet the following requirements:
Prize in a NAVHDA Utility test
Certified to be free of hip dysplasia
Free of any temperament disorders
Free of any genetic defects
At this time we have (2) young males that meet 3 of the 4 requirements. They will be NAVHDA tested
this spring and summer.
We work very closely with Bob Farris of Cedarwoods Kennels of Boise Idaho in the selection of the
males we use for breeding.

Our most popular breeding male from Jiri Hbrek of the Czech Republic. At 12 months old Czar is seen as he points a planted bird.
Retired Dogs
Click below to learn more about our qualified females. All our dogs NAVHDA tested for qualification for breeding.
Nellie Belle
Bob and I have hunted together and he’s very familiar with our females. He knows how they hunt, their type of coat, their physical sizes and their personalities. When we have decided on the male we would like to use we will enter both the male and female in NAPPA’s Premier version of Breedmate Software called Breedmate Explorer to view the relationship and inbreeding coefficients to 25 generations.
Breedmate has over1100 Pudelpointers entered into its software and can trace some dog’s heritage back
to the 1920s.
Success Stories
Here’s the list of the males we have used with great success in the past and will continue to use these Males and others as we strive to strengthen our breeding Program.
- Cedarwoods Prince from Zoey (Winston)
NA 112 Prize 1 UT 204 Prize 1 - Cedarwoods First Offence (Tukr)
NA 110 Prize 1 UT 194 Prize 11 - Cedarwoods Quick Release (Jessie)
NA 112 Prize 1 UT 174 Prize 11 - Cedarwoods EZ Top (Murphy)
NA 112 Prize 1 UT 201 Prize 1 - Hery Ze Strazistskych Lesu (Heri)
Czech Tested all Prize 1